Ugly Bastards!

Poor Sod number 1:

I've nearly wet myself every time I looked at this picture. This "face" is so suiting for the first ever "Random Ugly Person".

Now, How many of you have seen "Home Alone"? You know the part where Kevin (little mouthy twat) goes looking through his brothers (fat cunt - spiky hair) Chest thing? Well, in that scene he pulls out a picture of Buzz's girlfriend. I swear down, this HAS to be that picture. The same almost-cross-eyed vacant look on her face.

Now, to think someone is wondering around somewhere, wearing this face. How bad must that be? In fact, if they'd written this girl into the plot of "Face Off", John Travolta would've laughed his tits off at the prospect of wearing something that hideous. The film would've been trashed, all because one person, one single person, had as much attraction as a yeti's rear end.

Never mind love, there's always blind people.


